Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alright Already

We can't handle another "you've gotta update your blog" comment. And you're right, 6 months is a little long to have the same thing posted. I know everyone's life is busy but we seriously find little extra time in our lives, but we sincerely apologize.

Currently Chelsey is finishing up her last semester of pre-reqs. She'll be taking an MCAT course this summer and then will take MCAT in august. After that, she'll have at least a year to relax!!

Jon got a job at hertz which he wasn't super excited about but he is happy to at least have a job. He will be starting a master's degree in August and feels that he has a new appreciation for school now that he's been working 50+ hours a week!!

I could not find any pictures to post, so I just decided to post this funny one.


..Kris Naven.. said...

It's about time! :) I'm glad you guys are well! 6 months is a real long time...keep on blogging! :)

Rachel said...

yeah, I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you two. Maybe we should plan round two at the max buffet for Easter Sunday. =)

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