Monday, July 28, 2008

No progress in the yard, but the dining room is finished-ish!!!

We decided that the extensive white throughout our house needed to go, so we decided to finish the downstairs painting. Two walls in the dining room are a darker metallic paint and the rest is in our standard color which is a darkish beige. We still need to finish the dining room ceiling which will be faux wood beams and we need to lift up the chandelier a link or two. We are excited to finally have a dining room table, but are still hoping for chairs that don't fold up after they are used!!


Nikki (Have Joy) said...

oooh...pretty! This is the fun part of having a new house :)

Rachel said...

I love it!! we'll have to come by and check it out. oh, and the train too of course!

Leslie said...

It looks lovely!

Tiffani said...

Compared to before it looks warm and inviting, nice work!

Carrie S. said...

That's hot...(that means it looks really good). Hey, thanks for letting us copy the fondue idea, it was AWESOME like before!

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